Look and style event banner

Main Entrance

Ford Transit Born Connected AR interactive 'magic window'
Ford Transit Born Connected AR interactive 'magic window' in use

Storyboard for Ford Transit Born Connected motion graphics

‘Ford Transit. Born Connected.’ IAA Commercial Vehicle Show Hannover 2018 Following client consultation I designed a ‘connected’ look and style that ran through every touch point from environmental to digital content. Working closely with the digital design team I orchestrated graphics that was applied to three AR interactive tilting ‘magic windows’ that delivered the connected message in an innovative new way. They showed objects coming to life and appearing around and over the vehicles in real time in front of you creating a memorable and fun learning experience. I also storyboarded and directed several FordPass short infographic films using the ‘connected’ visual language to relay the benefits of FordPass.
Look and style event banner
Main Entrance
Ford Transit Born Connected AR interactive 'magic window'
Ford Transit Born Connected AR interactive 'magic window' in use
Storyboard for Ford Transit Born Connected motion graphics